Hi! I'm Lii'zza Sulistio

Currently a final year student of Informatics Engineering ITS and expected to graduate on 2022.
Interested in mobile and web development, algorithm & data structure, UI/UX, and game design.

Latest Project


Ploop! is a project that me and my friends made for Agate Game Development Bootcamp (by Kampus Merdeka). Actually, I chose 2 learning path, game design and game programming. But for the final project, I only participated as game designer and created the Game Design Document. Ploop! is a platform game where the player plays as "a poop" and they have to find a way to get out while avoiding obstacles and solving the puzzle.Credit:
- Anggara Sutisna (Game Producer)
- Nur Kholifah (Product Management)
- Ignatius Dwiki I. (Game Programmer)
- Fandi Wahyu R. (Game Programmer)
- Lia Nyta (Game Artist)
- Joselly J. C. (Game Artist)
- Sciali Augustus (Game Artist)
- Muhammad Adam (Game Tester)
- Baharudin Mulya (Game Tester)

SMPN 1 Wonorejo

A school website that me and my friend worked at as our practical work. This project consists of school's basic information, portfolios and activities, and is used as an announcement media to connect the students and teachers. SMPN 1 Wonorejo's website has 2 part, the viewer side and admin side. The students can only read and leave a comment under a post, but the admins/writers can post and manage the website.In this website, I was in charge of back-end development, designed the database and SQL, alongside with my friend who did the front-end development. This website was created using CodeIgniter 4 framework with Bootstrap 5 and Summernote as the interface.Credit:
- Vania Meilani T. (Front-end Developer)


Dhahar is a mobile application prototype of our sociopreneurship assignment which runs in food and beverage field. The user choose which menu and the value they want to donate, confirm the payment and then the system will continue the orders to our partner. After the orders are ready, a courier will pick the order up and deliver them to the target. The donator can also pick their orders by themselves if they want.Credit:
- Devani Dwi R.
- Gentha Alses A.
- Gendhis Nastiti I.
- Safarina Fiidinillah R.


seniMAN is a mobile application prototype that allow the users to buy and sell their artworks. The target market of this application is someone who likes art and the artist itself. This application takes a lot of Apple Design System reference.Credit:
- Devi Hainun P.
- Sandra Agnes O.
- Elvira Catrine N.

DFI Project

DFI Project is our Software Project Management Assignment. DFI stands for Day6 Fanartists Indonesia, a local fanartists community. This project is made according our interview to DFI Project Officers. This application handle the management of projects inside DFI. The project is made using CodeIgniter 4 as the framework and I was in charge as the fullstack developer.Credit:
- Maisie Chiara S. (analyst)
- Aflakah Nur F. (design)

DFI Project Landing Page

House of Miro

House of Miro is a maze game that is made using Unity. The player must save the hostage and find a way to get out. Using A* Pathfinding Algorithm, the enemy follows the player and attack him/her. But, the player can also fight back. I was in charge to draw the assets and design the maze too.Credit:
- Anggun Wahyuni (Game Programmer)